Mastering GMAT Timing: Strategies for Mock Tests
As you progress in your GMAT preparation, timing becomes increasingly important, especially when it comes to taking mock tests. While you may not have spent much time obsessing over timing strategies early in your journey, it’s crucial to understand how timing can significantly impact the representativeness of your mock test scores. In this article, we’ll explore specific timing tips and strategies to help you maximize your performance during mock tests and, eventually, on test day.
When to Worry About Timing
Timing is not something you need to stress about in the early stages of your GMAT prep. However, as you advance, it becomes a more critical factor to consider, particularly during mock tests.
Early Stages:
When working on question sets to expand your knowledge of theory or familiarize yourself with specific subsections, keep an eye on your timing. If you consistently spend more than 3 minutes on a question, mark it down in your question log and mark it specifically as ‘took too much time’. Take extra time to review these questions and understand how you could have approached them more efficiently.
Mid-to-Late Stages:
As you progress, start practicing under real time pressure. For example, give yourself 45 minutes to solve 21 Quant questions to simulate the actual test conditions. This will help you gauge how well you can manage your time under pressure.
Mock Tests:
Early/midway in your GMAT studies, understanding the theory and question types should be your priority. Timing should become a secondary focus, except for the preparation for and during mock tests. Pay close attention to how long you’re spending on each question and section; familiarize yourself with the timing strategies below.
Using Multi-Question Timed Checkpoints
One of the most effective timing strategies for mock tests is using multi-question checkpoints. This helps ensure you’re staying on pace throughout each section.
Set checkpoints every 4 questions.
Spend no more than 8 minutes per 4-question block.
Verbal and Data Insights:
Set checkpoints every 6 questions.
Spend no more than 11 minutes per 6-question block for Verbal.
Spend no more than 13 minutes per 6-question block for Data Insights.
Tip: Write down these checkpoints on your notepad to easily compare your progress with the test timer. These checkpoints help you monitor your pace and avoid running out of time toward the end of a section.
Question-Specific Timing
While you don’t need to track the time for every single question, developing a sense of how much time you’re spending on each one is important. Here’s how to manage timing for different types of questions:
Maximum Time:
Reading Comprehension Passages: Spend around 2-3 minutes skimming the passage. For longer passages, it’s okay to spend up to 4 minutes for the biggest passages but remember that your first read should be more of a skim since you’ll revisit the text when answering the questions.
Individual Reading Comprehension Questions: No more than 1.5 minutes per question.
Critical Reasoning: Limit yourself to 3 minutes per question.
Quantitative (Including Data Sufficiency): Aim for no more than 3 minutes per question.
Minimum Time:
Spend at least 30 seconds on each question before considering skipping it. This gives you a fair chance to understand the question and potentially solve it before moving on.
What to Do If You’re Behind Schedule
If you find yourself behind on your multi-question time checkpoints, it’s crucial to get back on track quickly. Not finishing a section in time can lead to a string of incorrect answers, drastically lowering your score.
Hard Questions:
If you’re stuck on a difficult question, give yourself 1 minute to eliminate as many unsuitable options as possible. Once you hit the 61-second mark, make an educated guess and move on.
Easy Questions:
For questions you find easy, move quickly. If you’re confident you’ll find the answer in a few extra seconds, take the time. However, if you realize the answer isn’t coming as quickly as you thought, guess and move on.
Timing is a critical component of your GMAT success, particularly during mock tests. By incorporating these timing strategies into your practice, you’ll develop a better sense of pace and improve your ability to manage the clock on test day. Remember, the goal is to balance accuracy with efficiency—knowing when to push through a tough question and when to move on is key to maximizing your score. Happy studying!
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